Home Celebrities Billy Carson net worth | Biography

Billy Carson net worth | Biography

by Usama Sohail
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Billy Carson net worth
Billy Carson net worth

Who is Billy Carson?

Billy Carson, born on September 4th, 1971, in Queens, NY, is a multi-talented American author, music artist, and TV host. In this blog, we will discuss Billy Carson net worth in detail.

He grew up in Miami, where he began his entrepreneurial journey as a paperboy. Today, he is a multi-millionaire known for his expertise in ancient civilizations.

Early Life and Business Beginnings

Billy Carson’s story is one of humble beginnings and relentless drive. Growing up in Miami, Carson’s first business venture was as a paperboy.

This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavours, teaching him the value of hard work and perseverance.

Billy Carson net worth analysis

Billy Carson is an example of the saying that hard work pays off. His wealth has shown an increase, in years showcasing his dedication to excelling in a music artist, and TV host.

Notably Billy Carson net worth rose from $300k in 2020 to a $3.5 million in 2022 marking a growth. At the time Cool Kicks, he leads has experienced substantial growth with its value reaching $8 million in 2024.

YEARBilly Carson net worthGROWTH RATE
2022$3.5 Million800%
2023$6 Million200%
2024$8 MillionProjected

Carson has built a diversified business model, making him a prime example of a modern ecopreneur. Billy Carson net worth, estimated at around $8 million as of 2024, comes from various income streams, including authoring books, hosting TV shows, and running his business, 4BiddenKnowledge Inc.


Carson is a best-selling author, known for his works on ancient civilizations and wisdom.

His book, The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets, has been particularly successful, contributing significantly to his income.

Social Media Presence

Carson has a strong presence on social media, which plays a crucial role in his business model:

  • Instagram: Over 296K followers
  • Twitter: Over 38.6K followers
  • LinkedIn: Over 5K engaged followers

His social media platforms help him connect with his audience, promote his work, and drive traffic to his other ventures.

TV Hosting

Carson co-hosts show like “Bio-Hack Your Best Life” and run his own TV network, 4BiddenKnowledge TV.

This platform features shows and documentaries that offer new perspectives on life, science, and holiness. Subscription fees from this network provide a steady income stream.


Carson founded 4BiddenKnowledge Inc., a conscious streaming network that serves as a hub for his various ventures.

This includes the TV network, an online store selling merchandise, books, and courses.

Public Investments

One of Carson’s innovative approaches is offering investment opportunities in 4BiddenKnowledge Inc., making it a community-owned media network.

This approach not only brings in additional capital but also fosters a sense of ownership among his followers.

High-Risk Ventures

Behind the reason of great Billy Carson net worth is also the CEO of First Class Space Agency, which focuses on zero-point energy devices and alternative propulsion systems.

While this is a high-risk area, the potential returns are huge, aligning with his ambitious financial goals.

Family Involvement

Carson’s family plays a crucial role in his business operations:

  • Justin Carson: His son, involved in logistics and also an author.
  • April Carson: His daughter manages customer service.
  • Elisabeth Hoekstra: His wife serves as the Director of Operations.

This family involvement keeps operations lean and creates a supportive business environment.

Previous Ventures

Before his current projects, Carson launched the non-profit SheCanPlay.org in 2008, focusing on high school basketball recruits.

Although it’s not his primary income source now, it laid the foundation for his entrepreneurial journey.

Funding and Scaling

Carson has been involved in various ventures, including Fort Terra Nova, where he secured a $20 million fund.

His ability to attract significant investments is crucial for scaling any business.

Rising Trends

Carson is tapping into several rising trends through his business pursuits:

Sustainable Energy and Space Exploration

As the CEO of First Class Space Agency, Carson focuses on zero-point energy devices and alternative propulsion systems, aligning with the growing interest in sustainable energy and space exploration.

Community-Owned Media

4BiddenKnowledge TV is a conscious streaming network that offers investment opportunities to the public, making it a community-owned media network.

This trend is gaining traction as businesses open up ownership to their communities, fostering a sense of belonging and vested interest among members.

Ancient Knowledge

Carson’s expertise in ancient civilizations is reflected in his books and shows. This trend is gaining popularity as people seek holistic approaches to modern problems, drawing insights from ancient wisdom on sustainable living and mental well-being.

Key Lessons from Billy Carson

Diversify Your Income

Carson’s diversified income streams, including authoring, TV hosting, and entrepreneurship, are key to his financial success.

Involve Your Family

Involving family members in the business can be a smart move for micro pruners, keeping operations lean and creating a supportive environment.

Invest in High-Risk Ventures

Carson’s involvement in high-risk ventures like space agency and zero-point energy can offer high rewards, aligning with his ambitious financial goals.

Unconventional Links to Ancient Wisdom

Carson’s interest in ancient civilizations is not just a business angle but a part of his deeper belief system.

These ties back to ancient concepts of energy, wisdom, and the universe, aligning with his focus on zero-point energy devices and conscious streaming networks.

The Emerald Tablets

Carson’s expertise in the Emerald Tablets, ancient relics that are said to contain wisdom and prophecies, discusses the principle of “as above, so below.”

This principle suggests that micro-level actions can have macro-level effects, crucial for any micropreneur looking to scale.

Community-Centric Business Model

Ancient civilizations were community-centric, valuing the input and well-being of each member, much like Carson’s community-owned media network. This is not just a business model for him; it’s a way of life that he has modernized and monetized.

Zero-Point Energy

Carson’s interest in zero-point energy has roots in ancient wisdom. Ancient civilizations had a deep understanding of energy and its applications, often symbolized through their architecture, art, and writings.

Zero-point energy, a concept that taps into the limitless energy in the vacuum of space, can be seen as a modern interpretation of ancient understandings of cosmic energy.

Applying Carson’s Principles to Your Business

Diversification and Team Support

Diversifying income streams and involving a strong supporting team are crucial for scaling a micro-business.

Community Ownership

Opening up investment opportunities to your audience can turn them into stakeholders, increasing customer loyalty and securing additional funding.

Ancient Wisdom

Incorporating elements of ancient wisdom into your offerings can set you apart from competitors, especially in the wellness or educational sectors.

High-Risk Ventures

Consider taking calculated risks in high-reward ventures, much like Carson’s involvement in space exploration and sustainable energy.


Billy Carson’s business model is a blend of traditional income streams and innovative approaches.

Billy Carson net worth offers valuable lessons for modern micro pruners, emphasizing diversification, family involvement, community ownership, and high-risk ventures.

Carson’s unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern business strategies sets him apart, offering insights and inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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